Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Why should Small Businesses switch to VoIP Phone Service from Regular Lines?

The Internet is everywhere, ranging from homes to public places! Similarly, today almost every business needs to be connected to the WWW directly or another way to reach its potential clients with ease. So, not only the process of their working but also the method of communication is changing as new technology advancements with time. At present, among all, especially for small businesses VoIP phone service is in the growing trend.

Are you also using the virtual phone system in your Business?

If not, then kindly check below reasons behind what you are lacking!

3 Reasons for Adopting VoIP Service over Traditional Phone Lines

Today still, many businesses are there in today’s era who hesitate to try using virtual phone service. The reason might be the fact that they are unaware of some potential benefits of VoIP in their business. Let us check them briefly;

1) Improves your Business Relationship

A successful trade is the one that can help itself to retain, satisfy, and make its clients happy in the better way possible. You might be a large or small business your focus must be on improving your customer support.

So, VoIP is a potential technology to solve almost all the barriers that come while communicating with your customers. Again, it is an internet-based technology! So not only can clients contact the businesses with ease, but also it can help staff from different departments to connect well.

It is possible by doing group, conference, or multiple calls that adds more power to the business process than regular phone service. Today businesses are not limited to call only one person at a given point of time!

2) Affordable to Switch

You might be among people who are afraid of adapting to a new virtual phone system in their Business. It could be only with the fear of enormous investment behind the same. But, in reality, the situation is entirely different!

Yes, VoIP can be integrated into your business system even without extra hardware or software costs. Not only this, but there are also affordable packages that can help you to use the service of calling via the Internet. It is possible by using your existing phone lines.

Also, it charges less as compared to per-minute charges of regular telephone services. By the way, it only needs a computer having a sound card, microphone, and headset with internet service, as the basic needs to get started.

So, do not worry; your existing setup might already be having all the requirements to start VoIP in your business ecosystem. All you only need is to take a step further and go for it!

3) Plenty of Helpful Features

You can take out some time from your Business, make a list of available features provided by your present regular phone service. Next, compare it with the following list. As a conclusion of this you will also get one more reason behind why virtual phone service would be better for your business benefits;

Standard Features of VoIP;

- Area Code Selection
- Speed Dialing
- Return Call
- Call Transfer
- 411 Directory
- Call Forwarding
- Caller Id
- Fax
- Redialing the Last Number
- Call Blocking
- Call Waiting
- Voicemail

You might be clear how VoIP phone service can add much convenience for businesses to communicate better with their customers. It also helps them to save much in expenses as compared to regular phone lines.

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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

7 Advantages of Virtual Phone System for Entrepreneurs

 Voip Phone Service Provider

Gone were the days when businesses need to depend on the conventional phone lines and be in limits! Today, all thanks to modern technology that VoIP or Virtual Phone systems are standard in professional use. These are internet-based systems that are not only convenient but also inexpensive!
You can easily manage official call recording, conference calls, call routing, multiple extensions, call forwarding, high-quality audio, call queues, voicemail, auto-receptionist, toll-free numbers, and more. Here are some more benefits to check out if you are also working remotely;

1) Available to use everywhere

People prefer to work flexibly, probably most of us would like to work from our homes other than sitting in an office. The current technology can help us much in such a scenario. Imagine a group of workers based on different places and also sharing the same phone number. In this situation, each person can attend the calls after routed with via extension numbers. Yes, it is possible via VoIP systems that suit well as per the new age business models.

2) Easy International Calls

It does not matter in which country or state your business is actually based; you can choose any number of your choice. For example, a customer can see an incoming phone number coming from America, but physically it is from anywhere else!

3) Work from Smartphone

There is a possibility of an emergency, and you might need to make an official call to your client, but you are outside. VoIP systems can help much in this scenario to control such calls from a mobile application. The best thing is instead of your mobile number, and the call will be shown up in the form of a virtual phone number of an office at the receiver's end.

4) Always Be Professional

A common problem with startup and small businesses is the fact that they need to face challenges. It can happen when they need to move from one infrastructure to another. In such a case, it is harder for them to manage up with the available capitals. So, virtual phone numbers can help a company to handle the clients using their official landline numbers directly from mobiles. By the way, it can leave a good impression of your business as a more stable service in front of others.

5) Reliable Phone system for Business

Not only fewer setup costs, but businesses can avoid high rental charges using a cloud-hosted number. Also, the overall maintenance of the system is all on its provider. The best benefit among all is the fact that no expensive roaming charges can be applied for calls. It is due to the already agreed-upon costs of internet calls in the case of international virtual landline.

6) Divert Calls Anywhere

You cannot always be available on your desktop or might need to face any urgent calls while traveling. A virtual calling system can help you to divert your calls immediately on tablets, PC, or any other gadget that support voice calls. Anyone can also set them up to ring all together at one time to receive calls, and lessen the chances of missed calls, wherever you are.

7) Easy to Customize

Anybody can take the help of an account and change the setup VoIP using the online portals of the service provider. It includes managing call logs, call forwarding, custom voicemails, and reducing or adding the numbers, and many more.

There are many trusted VoIP phone service providers available in the market. You might be either a well-established business, sole trader, freelancer, or a start-up. Every kind of company or trade can maintain a virtual phone setup using the latest cloud-based calling technology. Be smarter, get help to save much, and take advantage of internet availability everywhere to make clear calls.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Virtual Telehealth Solutions: Doctors Can Offer Treatments Without Compromising Social Distancing

People suffering from illnesses other than COVID-19 still need treatment. However, the pandemic is making it impossible for doctors to pay a visit to patients, and patients can’t risk visiting hospitals that are already packed with virus-suffering patients.
There’s only one way to mend the situation.
Telehealth Solutions.
Before I tell you what it is, imagine a situation to treat your patient without leaving your home. Let’s say a patient caught the flu and called you for emergency help. You schedule a virtual healthcare visit at a specific time. You see the patient on video conference and take note of his current condition. You prescribe medication that is easily available at a nearby medical facility and provide information on things to monitor for the duration of the flu. Before leaving the video conference, you schedule a follow-up appointment to notice the improvement.
Would that work without violating social distancing?
Well, the good news is that’s what Telehealth Solutions does for you.
Telehealth Solutions involves using digital technology to deliver health care services from home. It just requires access to a telecommunication method like phone, smartphone, app or any data-connected device where you can attend to patients.
In layman terms, Telehealth Solutions fits your health care business in an app and phone system from where you can schedule your next virtual visit via your business phone or app, meet your patients on video calls and share with them essential information or files via messaging. Not only that, but you can also take an entire team online and attend to a multitude of patients at one time.
An all-in-one solution.
And you don’t have to worry about paying bills for acquiring Telehealth Solution services because Cebod Telecom is offering it for free for one month as a contribution to the health sector during the pandemic.
Now that all the barriers between your health care services and your patients have been lifted, let’s have a quick look at the top 10 benefits of Telehealth Solutions for doctors seeking virtual ways to serve patients.
  1. Virtual Meetings
Telehealth provides conferencing tools to give you an uninterrupted conferencing experience with your patients. You can easily understand a patient’s problems and communicate clear instructions for further care.
  1. Seamless Team Collaboration
Allow your entire team to join you on a virtual health journey and collaborate with them via messaging, voice calls, video calls, etc. Share important files and faxes immediately.
  1. Quick Response to Emergencies
 Call routing option by Telehealth lets you respond quickly to patients who can’t leave their home but need emergency care.
  1. Flexible Support for Remote Workforce
 Your remote workforce is not bound by time and location limitations. They can be available to patients or you 24/7 from any corner of the world.
  1. Attend to More Patients
With physical location, you can not reach everywhere, but with Telehealth, you can expand your network and reach the patients in rural areas who seek medical care from home. You can use Telehealth Solutions to diagnose illnesses from home and educate patients online.
  1. Effective Remote Monitoring
Offering treatment is only half of a clinician’s job. You also have to teach patients how to take care apart from taking medication. Moreover, you have to track their health improvement status. Telehealth report’s patients’ metrics from the patient’s home, while your team can act as a coach or counselor to take patients on an improvement journey.
  1. Faster Callbacks
Telehealth’s voicemail solutions enable customers to call back at express speed and reach you for follow-ups.
  1. Cost-Cutting from Both Sides
Telehealth is a big money saver for both doctors and patients. Imagine the cost of travel, parking, taking time off work, etc. for each doctor visit. And doctor’s cost of office, paying for parking space, etc. Telehealth cuts these costs by connecting patients and doctors on the phone, laptop or other digital device.
  1. Robust Security
With doctors and patients meeting online, much private information passes through voice calls, video calls, messaging or fax. That’s why Telehealth includes a third-party security certification to ensure that all information exchanges are secure from outsiders or hackers. Telehealth is built on a strong, unbreakable risk management framework.
  1. Improves Overall Patients’ and Doctors’ Experience
Telehealth centralizes everything and everyone from all corners of the world, without compromising on security measures. Patients get required care from home. Doctors get the freedom to attend to patients without leaving their home. Both enjoy their level of care and services on a common ground. Hence, Telehealth is known for improving overall patients’ and doctors’ experience.
Growing Demand of Telehealth Now and in Future
CVS Minute Clinics reported a patient’s satisfaction score of up to 99% from Telehealth visits. So, if you are thinking that Telehealth is the solution for now only, and limited only to the pandemic era, think again. Everything is turning online running from food we eat to on-demand movies we watch. The healthcare sector is no different. Many have already adopted Telehealth Solutions to gain an edge on demands of customers to receive solutions at their fingertips.
Telehealth Solutions supports the rapid needs of doctors and patients with equally faster technology integration.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Business office phone systems - What You Need to Know

Proper communications are the heart of any phone services for government agent whether it is within or with clients and customers. It is because of this that a good and modern phone system if mandatory for any business or organization to succeed. Most organizations have for the longest time relied on traditional phone systems which are time-consuming and expensive, but since the introduction of business office phone systems, all of this has changed. A cloud system is one that allows you to upload all your information and details online such that you can easily access it online.

Features of a Great Cloud Phone System

Auto Attendant

A lot of organizations that receive a lot of calls have embraced auto phone attendants. This is an important business phone system especially if you do not have a dedicated person who answers phone calls. The auto attendant receives calls and provides the caller with the different options on how to be assisted plus allowing call transfers.

Auto Call Forwarding

Instead of having to do this manually, the business office phone systems automatically transfer calls to other devices till the call is answered. This makes it easy to serve clients and ensure that you maximize on the number of calls that you receive.


This saves time and makes multitasking so much easier. One can easily upload call details on the cloud which makes it accessible on the internet via a mobile device. This allows one to be mobile instead of being stuck at a desk all the time.

Benefits of Cloud Hosting


There is no complicated set up required for cloud systems nor does it take up space as everything is stored on an online server.

Increased Efficiency

Integrating your business phone system enhances connectivity such that employees can communicate easily and effectively. It is easy to get access to different people whether they are in the office or not which greatly improves their ability to get work done more effectively.

Better Customer Service

Virtual phone systems allows for virtual receptionists and auto attendants which provides a platform for calls to be redirected where they can be attended to. This is done automatically which allows the organization to ensure that their customers are well attended to.

Ensures Continuity

As the systems are uploaded online, there are no external factors that could affect communications. This ensures that the business phone system is always online throughout which means that customers are always attended to, and communications are well done.

Business office phone systems is affordable, easy and as efficient. This allows you to always be connected and to ensure that you can always communicate within your organization and with your clients and customers. The benefits will lead to a lot of production and increased communication which is essential in any business.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Know about the main communications features of business phone service

Whether you already bought a business phone service or are still tentative about VoIP phone systems, you must learn about the various communications features they offer. This will not just help you understand why they are in demand today but also enable you to use them to their fullest potential.
We are writing this article because we have seen many users of VoIP phone systems just use the service for basic tasks without realizing that they are missing out. We have also seen a few businesses who think that the business phone service is not a great idea. Both these doubts can be erased once we get a grasp of the features. Let’s delve right in and discover them then!
You can get a local number in your countries of business
If your main business is in a particular country, with the help of VoIP phone systems, you can get a local phone number. This will help you establish a connection with the local consumers without paying additional charges that are usually too high on the international level.
You don’t really need a phone
This is the beauty of a business phone service. You can make calls even without the phone. An app on your desktop is enough! The only thing that’s mandatory is a good internet connection, which is part and parcel of our lives anyway. This feasibility has helped many businesses, especially in tricky situations such as the phone’s battery dying.
You can transfer calls to another number
Suppose you get an important call on your work number and you need to leave for lunch or for another commitment. Would you drop the call? This is an option, yes, but it isn’t a very good solution. Wouldn’t you rather transfer the call to your personal phone and continue? That’s easy with VoIP phone systems.
You can transcribe voicemails
This is a lesser-known feature of a business phone service. You can actually transcribe voicemails into texts or emails. This saves time and effort. If this is a handy feature for your business, make sure you ask your provider to include it in your package.
VoIP phone systems offer big savings, a plethora of features, and multiple advantages with barely any downsides. That is why they are the most popular communication solution for businesses today. We urge you to get one too!
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