Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Difference between VOIP and Regular Phone System

VoIP has revolutionized business communication around the world. While it shares a tone of similarities with traditional phone systems, it also comes with an equal measure of contrasts.

What’s the main difference between VoIP and regular phone systems?

It might be the efficiency that comes with over-the-internet calls. It might be the ability to cut across multiple devices. But those are not the real differences, or are they?

Here’s the real one. It’s all in the how, rather than in the why.

While VOIP (Voice over internet protocol) relies on an internet connection to place calls using packet switch technology, traditional phone systems use PSTN(Public Switched Telephone Network).

What’s are the similarities between the two?

There’s no denying that VoIP is the face of business communication today. In fact, a fair share of businesses are moving into the system every day. However, it doesn’t mean that VoIP is completely different from traditional phone systems.  In retrospect, we should just put it like this; VoIP is an upgrade of all forms of phone conversations.

The basics remain the same. Both VOIP and traditional phone systems, provide platforms for communication and sharing messages. Depending on your taste, need and preference, you can decide which works best for you.

We always have a penchant to gravitate towards products which give us the most satisfaction. Because we are all about improving, ditching traditional phone systems for VoIP doesn’t sound like such a large leap, does it? It definitely is. In fact, if you are all about growing your business, it should be your next big step

What does VoIP Do? It simply makes a difference in how you communicate with everyone. In fact, it simply makes the whole chain simpler, and easier to run.

What differentiates VoIP from traditional phone systems?
  • Pricing
There are many differences between the VOIP and traditional phone systems. What really stands out is the fact that VOIP is considerably cheap than traditional phone systems.

This might come as a shock, as cutting edge tech products are always deemed to be a little pricy. Well, it’s not the case with VOIP. In some cases, VOIP is half as cheap compared to traditional phone systems.  In fact, some companies have saved upto 60% on phone bills by simply moving to VoIP phone service.

While long-distance landline calls will always remain expensive due to need of to keeping hundreds of circuits open during conversation, VoIP simply converts the voice frequency to data which can be transmitted over any internet line.

While traditional phone systems providers have tried to offer cheap services, they can’t manage to match those of VOIP. Service provider like Cebod Telecom, provides free unlimited calls within USA and Canada, unlimited user extensions and much more.
  • Power and Internet needs
How much power does your phone take up? We all are out to cut the business cost, aren’t we?

Given that traditional phones are hardier and sturdier, they can survive power outages and disasters. A business that uses a VoIP phone system gets to enjoy better disaster recovery and resiliency when it comes to unexpected crashes. Unlike traditional landlines, VOIP services are monitored 24/7 and the transmission signals can be rerouted in a matter of seconds to ensure that you never miss or drop a call due to technical malfunction. Power outages, line disruptions, construct etc. are no match for this incredibly efficient system. Best of all, business can be conducted anywhere, anytime from your smart phone, tablet, laptop or even a desktop computer.
  • Call Quality and Reliability
At the start, everyone thought that over the internet calls would be scratchy, messy and low-quality. Given that traditional phones have been here for decades, a new entrant into the niche would hardly keep up with the quality of calls. At least not if that new system is riding on the destructive power of the internet.

To most people’s surprise, the quality of communication over VoIP is great. It actually competes with landline phones quite well. Given that VoIP does not use any circuits, it means that the chances of hearing clicks and whirrs are inexistent. It also means that long-distance calls will have the same quality, as calls to the next building on the block. VOIP boast of having crystal clear HD call quality.
  • Technology
Most people may think that VOIP is merely an upgrade from traditional phone systems. Nothing is further from the truth.

Traditional phone systems and VIOP ride on different forms of technology. VOIP uses the internet or internet enterprise LAN connection to convert and transmit messages (video and audio) as data. The analog calls are converted into digital information which is transmitted over the internet. Traditional phone systems, on the other hand, use circuit-switched technology where voice call travel through copper wires over PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network). Businesses can definitely benefit from VOIP.
  • Security
The only mode of linking for VoIP is the internet. This obviously has its advantages. However, it also comes with its downsides. VOIP is vulnerable to cyber-attacks. This is mostly bound to happen when the device has a public IP address. However, the system is safe when private firewalls and security protocols are developed.

With traditional phone systems, cyber-attacks can never happen as there is no connection to the internet. That doesn’t mean that landlines are fool proof. Phone tapping can always happen.
  • Number of features
Traditional phone systems are limited to a few features. VoIP packs a punch of features. It also helps to state that VoIP keeps adding new features every other day.

What superior features does VoIP come with?
  • Display of caller ID
  • Diverting calls to other numbers.
  • Data exchange in VOIP is digitally encrypted
  • VOIP provides voice mail services
  • Conference calling is also available, this greatly saves on costs.
Besides, VoIP is easily upgradable when compared to traditional phone systems. With VOIP all you need is to get new software and change your bandwidth. This is not the case with traditional phone systems, which demand the installation of new lines. You need workmen, lines, wires and more money to simply upgrade your phone system if you are stuck with traditional phone systems.
  • Wrap up
If your aim is to keep up with the rapidly changing trends and make your business stand out, VoIP is definitely the way to go. It has its pros and cons yes, but it’s advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. While traditional phone systems provided ground for communication, their time is up. Call today to get free estimate!

Content Source: https://www.cebodtelecom.com/difference-between-voip-and-regular-phone-line/

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Difference between fixed and non-fixed VoIP phone numbers

In your search for the perfect Voiceover IP or VoIP, we are sure you came across fixed and non-fixed VoIP numbers. Before you decide on choosing one of them, it is important that you understand their differences. Otherwise, you may end up making the wrong choice.

In this article, we shall discuss each of them separately, shedding light on their pros and cons. This will give you a clear picture, thereby assisting your decision.

Fixed VoIP phone numbers

These are regular numbers that are linked to a particular address. The address could be a residential address or a company’s head office. But, it is mandatory to be linked to a physical location. You can liken these numbers to traditional numbers. They are also linked back to the telephony station.

The pros
  1. They are safe and trustworthy. It is very hard for spammers to take advantage of fixed VoIP phone numbers.
  2. Since they are reliable, having a fixed VoIP number will make you more trustable as a business.
  3. Fixed numbers are dependable because they can be tracked back to a physical location. This comes in very handy during emergencies.
  4. You can enjoy multiple features such as call flip, which are not possible in the case of non-fixed numbers.

The cons
  1. The process to obtain one of these numbers can be lengthy.
  2. They are generally expensive and if you make international calls, they can get even more expensive.
  3. Even though they have multiple features, these features are not free.

Non-fixed VoIP phone numbers

Non-fixed numbers are the exact opposite of fixed numbers. These do not need any physical address and totally rely on the Internet. These are also called virtual phone numbers and Skype is one of the best examples. To get a non-fixed number, in most cases, an email ID will suffice.

The pros
  1. They are usually free
  2. They are easy to get
  3. They are an excellent choice if you make a lot of international calls

The cons
  1. They are not safe or reliable since they are easy to spam.
  2. They are not reliable in case of emergencies.
  3. They do not give you a professional reputation because they are not linked with a physical number.

Now that you understand how fixed VoIP phone numbers differ from non-fixed ones, you can choose according to your needs and preferences. If you have any questions, you can always contact us. 

Content Source: https://medium.com/@cebodtelecom2019/difference-between-fixed-and-non-fixed-voip-phone-numbers-293295aa3ff9

Monday, August 5, 2019

How VoIP services have revolutionized business communication in 2019-2020

In the business world, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that 2019 has been the year of VoIP services so far. What’s more, we think 2020 will also be just as fruitful because Voice over Internet Protocol has indeed taken over business communications.

VoIP is nothing but a means of communication that uses the internet. Analog signals get converted into digital signals and are passed to the recipient over the web. So, there are no traditional phone lines here. This is a future-first technology that assures seamless business communications without elaborate monthly phone bills! Are you on the bandwagon yet? If not, you must read how VoIP services have revolutionized business communications so far.

They are very easy on the pocket

When compared to traditional phone lines, VoIP phone services are super affordable. The best part is that this still stands true when you make international calls. Imagine how much you would have to pay up for a traditional international phone call! Cost is, thus, one of the biggest ways in which VoIP has changed the way businesses communicate.

They are scalable

All businesses scale up or scale down. A year later, businesses won’t remain the same as today. Likewise, their requirements also change. Traditional phone lines cannot change accordingly, but VoIP services can! You can customize your plan based on your requirements, and a good VoIP provider will help you with the utmost ease.

They make communication simple

Whether it is internal communication, communication with the customer, or with key stakeholders, VoIP makes it seamless. There are no call drops, conferencing issues, or call waiting problems. Sometimes, such issues can break a business deal. Thankfully, businesses are no longer worried because they have now switched to VoIP!

They are portable

In our opinion, this is the biggest benefit that VoIP services offer. In today’s times, business deals happen all over the world, at different times. No business is tied down to a particular geographical location. Then, why should your phone lines be restricted? You can make calls using your VoIP services regardless of whether you are in the same office, city, country, or continent! All you need is an internet connection.

VoIP providers have multiple different plans for you to pick from. So, you can choose exactly what you require with the option of customizing them later if needed. Such flexibility was bound to change the way businesses communicate and it seems like 2019 brought about that change. We are sure this trend is here to last and the coming years are just as bright for VoIP phone services.

Content Source: https://www.cebodtelecom.com/how-voip-services-have-revolutionized-business-communication-in-2019-2020/