Tuesday, July 30, 2019

How to Block Ghost Calls on VoIP

Ghost calls are an annoyance for anyone who uses VoIP phone systems. Also known as phantom calls, the handset will ring, and no message will be left. And if you pick up the phone there’s no answer, only dead silence.

They’re irritating and can be extremely time-consuming. You’ll be able to recognize them as they come from area codes like 100, 1000, or 1001. That’s because these numbers don’t exist. They originated from a phantom source.

So, what can you do about them?

Where Do Ghost Calls Come From?

The first thing that businesses think of is that someone is trying to mess with them. They’re not far from the truth. They come from something called automated port scanning.

Successfully port scanning can enable someone to make calls and bill them to the scanned number. The real caller remains hidden and isn’t billed for the calls they make.

The other reason why a ghost call may occur is due to the activities of telemarketers and debt collectors. They tend to use auto-dialers. Due to Federal regulations, these calls automatically cut out after a certain time, which is why you get that dead silence when you pick up the phone.

How to Stop Ghost Calls

There are things that your service provider can do, which is why if you’re the victim of ghost calls you need to notify your VoIP service provider immediately.

Change SIP Port

The end user can change the SIP port or phone adapter from the default 5060 setting to something else to stop a lot of ghost calls in their tracks. Before doing so, do check with your business phone service provider whether they can support the new port for SIP messaging.

Grandstream GXP2200- Account – Account 1 – SIP Settings – Local SIP Port

Grandstream GXP2160-Accounts – Accounts 1 – SIP Settings – Basic Settings – Local SIP Port

Block IP calls

Disable direct IP calls on your phone is also a great way to stop ghost calls.

Grandstream GXP2200- Advanced Settings – Call Features – Disable Direct IP Calls

Grandstream GXP2160-Accounts – Account 1 – SIP Settings – Security Settings – Accept Incoming SIP from Proxy Only

Use a firewall

By using a firewall you’ll be able to filter port scans from legitimate traffic sources. If you’re unfamiliar with firewalls, contact your internet provider for assistance or check the manual for your router/firewall.

Change your IP address
Changing your IP address is a temporary solution for stopping ghost calls. If you’re unable to change your IP address on your own, you can contact your internet service provider and request a new IP address.

Do Stop Ghost Calls

Don’t ignore ghost calls as they can cost you a lot of money in the long-term. It’s important to be proactive not reactive. Plan for ghost calls now and don’t become a victim later.

Has your business had problems with ghost calls?

Content Source: https://www.cebodtelecom.com/how-to-block-ghost-calls-on-voip/

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Barracuda Phone System Discontinued – Here’s an Alternative

Businesses were thrown into chaos recently when it was announced that the Barracuda Phone System, known as CudaTel, was being disconnected.

Understandably, businesses were worried about the potential disruption caused and about finding an alternate VoIP system that would work.

You need to replace Barracuda with something that’s going to offer you not only a similar service but a superior service.

Easy Migration with Cebod Telecom

Your first priority is to migrate to your new provider. With some VoIP systems, this can be difficult due to alleged compatibility issues.

But Cebod Telecom makes this easy. A lack of support during migration is how VoIP providers lose customers from day one.

Your business will be fully supported as it is migrated from Barracuda to Cebod. You’ll be introduced to the process and guided through every step so you can be operational with a minimal amount of disruption.

Are You Getting the Same Quality Service Without CudaTel?

There’s no doubt that the customers of Barracuda were happy with the service they provided. To announce so soon that they are completely shutting down the service has put businesses of all kinds into an awkward position.

But with Cebod Telecom you’re not only going to get the same quality service, you’re going to get a superior service.

In other words, you’ll be able to take advantage of crystal-clear call quality and a variety of features that makes communication easy.

Some of the features you’ll be able to add to your VoIP package include auto attendant, IVR, and full call monitoring.

Ready to Service Your Needs When You Migrate

The fall of Barracuda is being discussed a lot throughout the industry. It has become the big story because nobody expected it.

That’s why Cebod Telecom has been taking calls from those who have VoIP complaints about the conduct of Barracuda and where it leaves them.

In advance of the July shutoff date, we have prepared our staff to help the businesses that have reached out to us about how they can migrate their current VoIP service. This also includes pricing plans and installation packages.

Make the Switch Now

It’s best to prepare for your migration in advance. That’s why we recommend looking into Cebod’s range of packages and features, so you know what you want before Barracuda closes forever.

You’re running out of time, so don’t delay. Migrate today!

Content Source: Cebod Telecom

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Barracuda has made the decision to kill the Cudatel VoIP system starting in July 2019. It has left businesses scrambling to find an alternative.

If you’re one of those businesses who now must look to for a brand-new VoIP system provider, the time to start searching is now. Companies like Cebod Telecom already offer a service that surpasses anything the Cudatel system provided.

So, here’s what you need to do if you’re a victim of Barracuda’s VoIP shutdown.

What are Your Goals?

Not all VoIP providers were created equal. The chances are you’re going to use your system for more than just phone calls. So, you need a company like Cebod Telecom, which utilizes the latest technology.

For example, you may want a VoIP system that’s capable of integration with the rest of your business. Some companies decide that they want their productivity apps to be integrated with VoIP.

Call Quality

We mentioned that many companies want to use VoIP because it’s so much more than a way to make calls. But call quality remains at the heart of VoIP. Without crystal clear voice quality, your VoIP system isn’t doing its job.

If you’re a former Cudatel user, consider Cebod Telecom. This service offers crystal clear voice quality with a strong Internet connection.

You won’t have to worry about individual or conference call quality again.

Consider the Price

In the VoIP industry you get what you pay for. You may be thinking that you want to save some money when making the switch from Barracuda.

Although you’ll often see only a few dollars’ worth of difference between different services, this tells a big story. By paying a couple of extra dollars per month, you could be getting a higher quality of service.

Try not to make price your priority when figuring out a replacement for the Cudatel system.

Look for a Package That Suits You

At Cebod Telecom, you’ll find a range of different packages to choose from. It’s important that you get a package that’s customized for you. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to choose a random package.

VoIP offers so much and has so many capabilities. Don’t compromise.

Getting the Right Support for Making the Switch

Making the switch from one VoIP provider to another is not easy. Most businesses never expect to have to go through this. So, when Barracuda suddenly closed its Cudatel system, businesses found themselves in this situation.

Cebod offers full support for making the switch. They’ll guide you through the process and help you integrate your brand-new VoIP system into your business.

Closing: Take the Time to Do Your Research

You must move quickly before Cudatel closes. But don’t rush into a decision or it could cost you a lot of time and money, as well as causing major disruption to your company.

Have you started researching a VoIP replacement option yet?

Content Source: Cebod Teleocm

Friday, July 5, 2019

How can business phone systems boost office productivity?

There has been a lot of discussion about how we must choose the best business phone systems for our business. But we often forget about why we must go for these services.

They are definitely better than traditional phone systems when it comes to pricing but is that it? Is price the only factor we must look at and choose a VOIP phone service provider? No. Often times, because we want something cheaper, we end up buying something that’s low on quality. That’s, thankfully, not the case with VOIP phone systems. They are affordable and efficient at the same time. But, what if we told you that they also help boost office productivity? Isn’t that the icing on the cake? Let’s find out how this is possible.

They provide uninterrupted services

One of the biggest advantages of business phone system sis a seamless calling experience. You will never have to worry about dropped calls, loose connections, broken speech, etc. VOIP phone services are crystal clear and thus, no one wastes time trying to connect to a particular person, vendor, or business.

They are flexible

There will be times when everyone in the team will not be present at the office. Managers sometimes travel for business meetings and other times; one person may just be stuck in traffic. There are also instances when international travel becomes necessary. At such times, keeping in touch or starting a conference call can be quite a headache. Someone’s network may fail or a sim card may not work. Business phone systems eliminate these problems and let you connect by just logging in no matter where you are in the world. So, simply put, work doesn’t need to stop due to bad connections!

They come with numerous facilities

Once you choose the right VOIP phone service provider, you will not have to use and track multiple apps for messaging, calling, conference calling, video calling, calendaring, etc. Good business phone system stake care of all these and much more. They are actually the one-stop solution to all your communication needs. Thus, they ensure that no time is wasted while switching apps and trying to establish connections.

They are customizable

All business phone systems come with a hoard of features and various plans. Instead of having to settle with too few or too many, you can simply pick a plan that fulfills your requirements or you can choose a customized plan. A reputed VOIP phone service provider will offer these perks for sure, ensuring that nobody in the team wastes precious company time figuring out how to use various features or getting confused about them.

Now that you know for sure that business phone systems boost productivity, you should install one immediately!