Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Choose VoIP Phone Service for your Office in the USA

Communications play a very important role in a business, regardless of its size. In fact, some businesses thrive mainly on telecommunications.

Back in the day, office phone systems were wired services with limited capabilities and high expenses. These systems satisfied the need of the businesses in the past but today, with everything going digital, companies that use wired communications are lagging behind. They are compromising with quality, infrastructure, and expenses even though there are better options out there. We hope you don’t end up being one of those companies!

VoIP phone services are the need of the hour today with so many different features that they solve all your communication problems. Some of the highlights are as follows:
  • They offer a better quality of sound
  • You don’t have to deal with call drops
  • You can use the services from any part of the world with Internet
  • You can choose a package that suits your specific requirements
  • You pay only for what you need
  • You can scale the VoIP phone services up or down based on changing requirements
  • You can use the services not just for voice calls but also for conferences, video calls, presentations, long-distance collaboration, and more
  • You need to spend money on fancy infrastructure or hardware

With so many features up for grabs, there’s absolutely no reason why you shouldn’t switch your office phone systems to VoIP immediately.

However, we understand that you may get confused while choosing VoIP phone services. There are so many in the market. Who is reliable? Who should you go with? To help you out, we have prepared a checklist. Make sure you choose a service that satisfies all these criteria:
  • The office phone systems should be scalable
  • The company should offer 24/7 customer support
  • There should be multiple packages to choose from
  • Ask for customizing options
  • Check references and track record of the company
  • Ask for a test run
  • Is there a warranty period?

There are also a few in-house requirements that you should be aware of before embarking on the journey of finding the right VoIP provider. These include a seamless, fast Internet connection and usage requirements. Since VoIP works on the Internet, you need a reliable connection. Also, unless you understand the needs of your company, you won’t be able to choose the right VoIP phone services.

Choose VoIP phone service for your company in the USA and enjoy uninterrupted communications anytime, anywhere!

Friday, September 13, 2019

How to have an extraordinary VoIP phone system with minimal spending

Did you choose a VoIP phone system for your business? That’s excellent. VoIP phone systems are affordable, easy to manage, and extremely easy to use. They also help boost the productivity of the entire team by cutting down time wasted on connecting calls, streamlining conferences, and doing other such tasks. With these systems, you can connect with the entire world through the Internet. This flexibility at a fraction of the usual cost is what attracts every business.

But, what if we told you that there was a way to further cut down costs? What if there was a way to have an extraordinary phone system that did not require too much spending? Well, there is! And, we are going to talk about it today. All you have to do is to follow the steps below!

Be specific about your requirements

Once you have chosen a VoIP provider, you will need to spend some time to understand your requirements. Taking a package that has more or fewer features will create unnecessary expenditure and the only way to avoid this is to know what you need. Sit down with your team, assess the requirements, and answer the following questions:

  1. Which services do I absolutely need?
  2. Which services or features can be ignored for the time-being?
  3. Will the plan still be viable in a year?
  4. Can I scale the package?
  5. Which phone system will suit my team?
  6. Will the system increase my team’s productivity?

Speak to your VoIP provider

Once you know exactly what you want, it will be easy to explore the plans that your provider has for you. A few also offer customized plans that are even more affordable. This could actually be your key to saving a lot of money. Otherwise, you can just pick out a package that makes the most sense to you.

Get started!

If you are tentative about the plans, you could ask for a trial run to see if it makes financial sense to you. A few may be reluctant to provide this but you could try. Also, in the first few days, as your team gets used to this system, make sure you ask plenty of questions and speak to customer care frequently. Good VoIP providers offer an excellent customer experience that you can take full advantage of.

Getting a mind-blowing VoIP phone system for an amazing price is no rocket science. All you need to do is to pay attention to your requirements and do the needful accordingly. If you have any doubts, please don’t hesitate to talk to us.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Difference between VOIP and Regular Phone System

VoIP has revolutionized business communication around the world. While it shares a tone of similarities with traditional phone systems, it also comes with an equal measure of contrasts.

What’s the main difference between VoIP and regular phone systems?

It might be the efficiency that comes with over-the-internet calls. It might be the ability to cut across multiple devices. But those are not the real differences, or are they?

Here’s the real one. It’s all in the how, rather than in the why.

While VOIP (Voice over internet protocol) relies on an internet connection to place calls using packet switch technology, traditional phone systems use PSTN(Public Switched Telephone Network).

What’s are the similarities between the two?

There’s no denying that VoIP is the face of business communication today. In fact, a fair share of businesses are moving into the system every day. However, it doesn’t mean that VoIP is completely different from traditional phone systems.  In retrospect, we should just put it like this; VoIP is an upgrade of all forms of phone conversations.

The basics remain the same. Both VOIP and traditional phone systems, provide platforms for communication and sharing messages. Depending on your taste, need and preference, you can decide which works best for you.

We always have a penchant to gravitate towards products which give us the most satisfaction. Because we are all about improving, ditching traditional phone systems for VoIP doesn’t sound like such a large leap, does it? It definitely is. In fact, if you are all about growing your business, it should be your next big step

What does VoIP Do? It simply makes a difference in how you communicate with everyone. In fact, it simply makes the whole chain simpler, and easier to run.

What differentiates VoIP from traditional phone systems?
  • Pricing
There are many differences between the VOIP and traditional phone systems. What really stands out is the fact that VOIP is considerably cheap than traditional phone systems.

This might come as a shock, as cutting edge tech products are always deemed to be a little pricy. Well, it’s not the case with VOIP. In some cases, VOIP is half as cheap compared to traditional phone systems.  In fact, some companies have saved upto 60% on phone bills by simply moving to VoIP phone service.

While long-distance landline calls will always remain expensive due to need of to keeping hundreds of circuits open during conversation, VoIP simply converts the voice frequency to data which can be transmitted over any internet line.

While traditional phone systems providers have tried to offer cheap services, they can’t manage to match those of VOIP. Service provider like Cebod Telecom, provides free unlimited calls within USA and Canada, unlimited user extensions and much more.
  • Power and Internet needs
How much power does your phone take up? We all are out to cut the business cost, aren’t we?

Given that traditional phones are hardier and sturdier, they can survive power outages and disasters. A business that uses a VoIP phone system gets to enjoy better disaster recovery and resiliency when it comes to unexpected crashes. Unlike traditional landlines, VOIP services are monitored 24/7 and the transmission signals can be rerouted in a matter of seconds to ensure that you never miss or drop a call due to technical malfunction. Power outages, line disruptions, construct etc. are no match for this incredibly efficient system. Best of all, business can be conducted anywhere, anytime from your smart phone, tablet, laptop or even a desktop computer.
  • Call Quality and Reliability
At the start, everyone thought that over the internet calls would be scratchy, messy and low-quality. Given that traditional phones have been here for decades, a new entrant into the niche would hardly keep up with the quality of calls. At least not if that new system is riding on the destructive power of the internet.

To most people’s surprise, the quality of communication over VoIP is great. It actually competes with landline phones quite well. Given that VoIP does not use any circuits, it means that the chances of hearing clicks and whirrs are inexistent. It also means that long-distance calls will have the same quality, as calls to the next building on the block. VOIP boast of having crystal clear HD call quality.
  • Technology
Most people may think that VOIP is merely an upgrade from traditional phone systems. Nothing is further from the truth.

Traditional phone systems and VIOP ride on different forms of technology. VOIP uses the internet or internet enterprise LAN connection to convert and transmit messages (video and audio) as data. The analog calls are converted into digital information which is transmitted over the internet. Traditional phone systems, on the other hand, use circuit-switched technology where voice call travel through copper wires over PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network). Businesses can definitely benefit from VOIP.
  • Security
The only mode of linking for VoIP is the internet. This obviously has its advantages. However, it also comes with its downsides. VOIP is vulnerable to cyber-attacks. This is mostly bound to happen when the device has a public IP address. However, the system is safe when private firewalls and security protocols are developed.

With traditional phone systems, cyber-attacks can never happen as there is no connection to the internet. That doesn’t mean that landlines are fool proof. Phone tapping can always happen.
  • Number of features
Traditional phone systems are limited to a few features. VoIP packs a punch of features. It also helps to state that VoIP keeps adding new features every other day.

What superior features does VoIP come with?
  • Display of caller ID
  • Diverting calls to other numbers.
  • Data exchange in VOIP is digitally encrypted
  • VOIP provides voice mail services
  • Conference calling is also available, this greatly saves on costs.
Besides, VoIP is easily upgradable when compared to traditional phone systems. With VOIP all you need is to get new software and change your bandwidth. This is not the case with traditional phone systems, which demand the installation of new lines. You need workmen, lines, wires and more money to simply upgrade your phone system if you are stuck with traditional phone systems.
  • Wrap up
If your aim is to keep up with the rapidly changing trends and make your business stand out, VoIP is definitely the way to go. It has its pros and cons yes, but it’s advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. While traditional phone systems provided ground for communication, their time is up. Call today to get free estimate!

Content Source: https://www.cebodtelecom.com/difference-between-voip-and-regular-phone-line/

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Difference between fixed and non-fixed VoIP phone numbers

In your search for the perfect Voiceover IP or VoIP, we are sure you came across fixed and non-fixed VoIP numbers. Before you decide on choosing one of them, it is important that you understand their differences. Otherwise, you may end up making the wrong choice.

In this article, we shall discuss each of them separately, shedding light on their pros and cons. This will give you a clear picture, thereby assisting your decision.

Fixed VoIP phone numbers

These are regular numbers that are linked to a particular address. The address could be a residential address or a company’s head office. But, it is mandatory to be linked to a physical location. You can liken these numbers to traditional numbers. They are also linked back to the telephony station.

The pros
  1. They are safe and trustworthy. It is very hard for spammers to take advantage of fixed VoIP phone numbers.
  2. Since they are reliable, having a fixed VoIP number will make you more trustable as a business.
  3. Fixed numbers are dependable because they can be tracked back to a physical location. This comes in very handy during emergencies.
  4. You can enjoy multiple features such as call flip, which are not possible in the case of non-fixed numbers.

The cons
  1. The process to obtain one of these numbers can be lengthy.
  2. They are generally expensive and if you make international calls, they can get even more expensive.
  3. Even though they have multiple features, these features are not free.

Non-fixed VoIP phone numbers

Non-fixed numbers are the exact opposite of fixed numbers. These do not need any physical address and totally rely on the Internet. These are also called virtual phone numbers and Skype is one of the best examples. To get a non-fixed number, in most cases, an email ID will suffice.

The pros
  1. They are usually free
  2. They are easy to get
  3. They are an excellent choice if you make a lot of international calls

The cons
  1. They are not safe or reliable since they are easy to spam.
  2. They are not reliable in case of emergencies.
  3. They do not give you a professional reputation because they are not linked with a physical number.

Now that you understand how fixed VoIP phone numbers differ from non-fixed ones, you can choose according to your needs and preferences. If you have any questions, you can always contact us. 

Content Source: https://medium.com/@cebodtelecom2019/difference-between-fixed-and-non-fixed-voip-phone-numbers-293295aa3ff9

Monday, August 5, 2019

How VoIP services have revolutionized business communication in 2019-2020

In the business world, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that 2019 has been the year of VoIP services so far. What’s more, we think 2020 will also be just as fruitful because Voice over Internet Protocol has indeed taken over business communications.

VoIP is nothing but a means of communication that uses the internet. Analog signals get converted into digital signals and are passed to the recipient over the web. So, there are no traditional phone lines here. This is a future-first technology that assures seamless business communications without elaborate monthly phone bills! Are you on the bandwagon yet? If not, you must read how VoIP services have revolutionized business communications so far.

They are very easy on the pocket

When compared to traditional phone lines, VoIP phone services are super affordable. The best part is that this still stands true when you make international calls. Imagine how much you would have to pay up for a traditional international phone call! Cost is, thus, one of the biggest ways in which VoIP has changed the way businesses communicate.

They are scalable

All businesses scale up or scale down. A year later, businesses won’t remain the same as today. Likewise, their requirements also change. Traditional phone lines cannot change accordingly, but VoIP services can! You can customize your plan based on your requirements, and a good VoIP provider will help you with the utmost ease.

They make communication simple

Whether it is internal communication, communication with the customer, or with key stakeholders, VoIP makes it seamless. There are no call drops, conferencing issues, or call waiting problems. Sometimes, such issues can break a business deal. Thankfully, businesses are no longer worried because they have now switched to VoIP!

They are portable

In our opinion, this is the biggest benefit that VoIP services offer. In today’s times, business deals happen all over the world, at different times. No business is tied down to a particular geographical location. Then, why should your phone lines be restricted? You can make calls using your VoIP services regardless of whether you are in the same office, city, country, or continent! All you need is an internet connection.

VoIP providers have multiple different plans for you to pick from. So, you can choose exactly what you require with the option of customizing them later if needed. Such flexibility was bound to change the way businesses communicate and it seems like 2019 brought about that change. We are sure this trend is here to last and the coming years are just as bright for VoIP phone services.

Content Source: https://www.cebodtelecom.com/how-voip-services-have-revolutionized-business-communication-in-2019-2020/

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

How to Block Ghost Calls on VoIP

Ghost calls are an annoyance for anyone who uses VoIP phone systems. Also known as phantom calls, the handset will ring, and no message will be left. And if you pick up the phone there’s no answer, only dead silence.

They’re irritating and can be extremely time-consuming. You’ll be able to recognize them as they come from area codes like 100, 1000, or 1001. That’s because these numbers don’t exist. They originated from a phantom source.

So, what can you do about them?

Where Do Ghost Calls Come From?

The first thing that businesses think of is that someone is trying to mess with them. They’re not far from the truth. They come from something called automated port scanning.

Successfully port scanning can enable someone to make calls and bill them to the scanned number. The real caller remains hidden and isn’t billed for the calls they make.

The other reason why a ghost call may occur is due to the activities of telemarketers and debt collectors. They tend to use auto-dialers. Due to Federal regulations, these calls automatically cut out after a certain time, which is why you get that dead silence when you pick up the phone.

How to Stop Ghost Calls

There are things that your service provider can do, which is why if you’re the victim of ghost calls you need to notify your VoIP service provider immediately.

Change SIP Port

The end user can change the SIP port or phone adapter from the default 5060 setting to something else to stop a lot of ghost calls in their tracks. Before doing so, do check with your business phone service provider whether they can support the new port for SIP messaging.

Grandstream GXP2200- Account – Account 1 – SIP Settings – Local SIP Port

Grandstream GXP2160-Accounts – Accounts 1 – SIP Settings – Basic Settings – Local SIP Port

Block IP calls

Disable direct IP calls on your phone is also a great way to stop ghost calls.

Grandstream GXP2200- Advanced Settings – Call Features – Disable Direct IP Calls

Grandstream GXP2160-Accounts – Account 1 – SIP Settings – Security Settings – Accept Incoming SIP from Proxy Only

Use a firewall

By using a firewall you’ll be able to filter port scans from legitimate traffic sources. If you’re unfamiliar with firewalls, contact your internet provider for assistance or check the manual for your router/firewall.

Change your IP address
Changing your IP address is a temporary solution for stopping ghost calls. If you’re unable to change your IP address on your own, you can contact your internet service provider and request a new IP address.

Do Stop Ghost Calls

Don’t ignore ghost calls as they can cost you a lot of money in the long-term. It’s important to be proactive not reactive. Plan for ghost calls now and don’t become a victim later.

Has your business had problems with ghost calls?

Content Source: https://www.cebodtelecom.com/how-to-block-ghost-calls-on-voip/

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Barracuda Phone System Discontinued – Here’s an Alternative

Businesses were thrown into chaos recently when it was announced that the Barracuda Phone System, known as CudaTel, was being disconnected.

Understandably, businesses were worried about the potential disruption caused and about finding an alternate VoIP system that would work.

You need to replace Barracuda with something that’s going to offer you not only a similar service but a superior service.

Easy Migration with Cebod Telecom

Your first priority is to migrate to your new provider. With some VoIP systems, this can be difficult due to alleged compatibility issues.

But Cebod Telecom makes this easy. A lack of support during migration is how VoIP providers lose customers from day one.

Your business will be fully supported as it is migrated from Barracuda to Cebod. You’ll be introduced to the process and guided through every step so you can be operational with a minimal amount of disruption.

Are You Getting the Same Quality Service Without CudaTel?

There’s no doubt that the customers of Barracuda were happy with the service they provided. To announce so soon that they are completely shutting down the service has put businesses of all kinds into an awkward position.

But with Cebod Telecom you’re not only going to get the same quality service, you’re going to get a superior service.

In other words, you’ll be able to take advantage of crystal-clear call quality and a variety of features that makes communication easy.

Some of the features you’ll be able to add to your VoIP package include auto attendant, IVR, and full call monitoring.

Ready to Service Your Needs When You Migrate

The fall of Barracuda is being discussed a lot throughout the industry. It has become the big story because nobody expected it.

That’s why Cebod Telecom has been taking calls from those who have VoIP complaints about the conduct of Barracuda and where it leaves them.

In advance of the July shutoff date, we have prepared our staff to help the businesses that have reached out to us about how they can migrate their current VoIP service. This also includes pricing plans and installation packages.

Make the Switch Now

It’s best to prepare for your migration in advance. That’s why we recommend looking into Cebod’s range of packages and features, so you know what you want before Barracuda closes forever.

You’re running out of time, so don’t delay. Migrate today!

Content Source: Cebod Telecom

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Barracuda has made the decision to kill the Cudatel VoIP system starting in July 2019. It has left businesses scrambling to find an alternative.

If you’re one of those businesses who now must look to for a brand-new VoIP system provider, the time to start searching is now. Companies like Cebod Telecom already offer a service that surpasses anything the Cudatel system provided.

So, here’s what you need to do if you’re a victim of Barracuda’s VoIP shutdown.

What are Your Goals?

Not all VoIP providers were created equal. The chances are you’re going to use your system for more than just phone calls. So, you need a company like Cebod Telecom, which utilizes the latest technology.

For example, you may want a VoIP system that’s capable of integration with the rest of your business. Some companies decide that they want their productivity apps to be integrated with VoIP.

Call Quality

We mentioned that many companies want to use VoIP because it’s so much more than a way to make calls. But call quality remains at the heart of VoIP. Without crystal clear voice quality, your VoIP system isn’t doing its job.

If you’re a former Cudatel user, consider Cebod Telecom. This service offers crystal clear voice quality with a strong Internet connection.

You won’t have to worry about individual or conference call quality again.

Consider the Price

In the VoIP industry you get what you pay for. You may be thinking that you want to save some money when making the switch from Barracuda.

Although you’ll often see only a few dollars’ worth of difference between different services, this tells a big story. By paying a couple of extra dollars per month, you could be getting a higher quality of service.

Try not to make price your priority when figuring out a replacement for the Cudatel system.

Look for a Package That Suits You

At Cebod Telecom, you’ll find a range of different packages to choose from. It’s important that you get a package that’s customized for you. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to choose a random package.

VoIP offers so much and has so many capabilities. Don’t compromise.

Getting the Right Support for Making the Switch

Making the switch from one VoIP provider to another is not easy. Most businesses never expect to have to go through this. So, when Barracuda suddenly closed its Cudatel system, businesses found themselves in this situation.

Cebod offers full support for making the switch. They’ll guide you through the process and help you integrate your brand-new VoIP system into your business.

Closing: Take the Time to Do Your Research

You must move quickly before Cudatel closes. But don’t rush into a decision or it could cost you a lot of time and money, as well as causing major disruption to your company.

Have you started researching a VoIP replacement option yet?

Content Source: Cebod Teleocm

Friday, July 5, 2019

How can business phone systems boost office productivity?

There has been a lot of discussion about how we must choose the best business phone systems for our business. But we often forget about why we must go for these services.

They are definitely better than traditional phone systems when it comes to pricing but is that it? Is price the only factor we must look at and choose a VOIP phone service provider? No. Often times, because we want something cheaper, we end up buying something that’s low on quality. That’s, thankfully, not the case with VOIP phone systems. They are affordable and efficient at the same time. But, what if we told you that they also help boost office productivity? Isn’t that the icing on the cake? Let’s find out how this is possible.

They provide uninterrupted services

One of the biggest advantages of business phone system sis a seamless calling experience. You will never have to worry about dropped calls, loose connections, broken speech, etc. VOIP phone services are crystal clear and thus, no one wastes time trying to connect to a particular person, vendor, or business.

They are flexible

There will be times when everyone in the team will not be present at the office. Managers sometimes travel for business meetings and other times; one person may just be stuck in traffic. There are also instances when international travel becomes necessary. At such times, keeping in touch or starting a conference call can be quite a headache. Someone’s network may fail or a sim card may not work. Business phone systems eliminate these problems and let you connect by just logging in no matter where you are in the world. So, simply put, work doesn’t need to stop due to bad connections!

They come with numerous facilities

Once you choose the right VOIP phone service provider, you will not have to use and track multiple apps for messaging, calling, conference calling, video calling, calendaring, etc. Good business phone system stake care of all these and much more. They are actually the one-stop solution to all your communication needs. Thus, they ensure that no time is wasted while switching apps and trying to establish connections.

They are customizable

All business phone systems come with a hoard of features and various plans. Instead of having to settle with too few or too many, you can simply pick a plan that fulfills your requirements or you can choose a customized plan. A reputed VOIP phone service provider will offer these perks for sure, ensuring that nobody in the team wastes precious company time figuring out how to use various features or getting confused about them.

Now that you know for sure that business phone systems boost productivity, you should install one immediately!

Monday, June 10, 2019

6 Tips for Creating a User-Friendly IVR System

Your Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system is one of the most effective tools you can have to care for your customers. But an auto attendant must be installed with the demands of 2019 in mind.

Did you know that 93% of customers are likely to make repeat purchases when they receive good customer service. IVR is a big part of that, and it should be part of your internet phone service. Here’s how to create a user-friendly system.

1. Stay Open All the Time

Obviously, you don’t need to have your staff stay awake at all hours. But your VoIP phone service in California can keep you covered.

Use IVR to offer a variety of self-service options. The most powerful feature you can provide is the callback option. This ensures that their details are kept, and your staff will call them back at a time convenient to them.

This is how to do 24/7 service without staying open 24/7.

2. Offer Fewer Menu Options on Your Interface

You may feel like you’re helping your customers by offering a variety of different choices, but this just lengthens the call and confuses people.

You should have no more than 3-5 options, with the fewer the better. Get right to the heart of the matter and let your customer work quickly through your auto attendant’s interface.

3. Use Visual IVR to Suit the Modern Smartphone

Visual IVR is the next step up. Most people these days will be calling you from a smartphone. After all, only 39.4% of households now have a landline and some sort of wireless phone.

This feature of your internet phone service will allow the customer to select options on their touchscreen. It’s easier for them and they can do it quicker.

4. Allow an Option to Speak to an Agent

Some businesses go about using an auto attendant the wrong way. They use it to try to stop people from contacting their customer service agents.

Even today 57% of customers want to speak to a human being when dealing with complex purchases. Before you upset that 57%, make sure your IVR includes an option that can connect them to a human on the phone.

5. Tailor It to Your Customers

When you purchase a VoIP phone service in California with this feature, you shouldn’t just use the default settings. Instead, you should be tailoring each option to your customers.

Do your research and find out why customers contact you over the phone. By using these top results, you can answer your customers’ queries quickly and efficiently.

6. Making Your Auto Attendant Work for You

You need to not think about what IVR offers you but how it makes it easier for you to fulfill the needs and wants of your customers. Before you begin tailoring your new system, find out what your target market wants.

Look at the most common complaints you receive and actively reach out to your customer base.

Have you considered upgrading your customer service yet?

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

What is Dental Practice Management Software?

Dental practice management software is the next level in managing your dental practice. You’ll be able to form better relationships with patients and ensure that you spend less time at the front desk and more time doing what you do best.

If you want better reviews, less administration, and a better experience for patients then you can’t live without management software for your dental practice.

Spend Less Time at the Front Desk
  1. Cancelled appointments, providing between visit care, and reminding patients when they should book another appointment are all regular administrative considerations for dental practices.
  2. The solution was always a choice between spending your hours at the desk or hiring someone else to do it, which is expensive.
  3. But now management software will do this automatically for you.
Allowing Patients More Control
  1. Management software also comes with a front end, where patients can plug directly into a portal designed specifically for them.
  2. They can book appointments directly, pay their invoices, and ask their dentist questions.
  3. Management software gives patients unparalleled access to their dentist.
Improving Practice Reputation
  1. The private dental business is extremely competitive.
  2. By making the lives of patients easier, you’re automatically improving the reputation of your practice.
  3. Dental clinics that implement this type of software see an increase in their overall review ratings.
  4. This ultimately leads to more business and a bigger bottom line for you.
Making Marketing Easier
  1. As the owner of a dental practice, you’re responsible for marketing your business.
  2. The latest in dental practice management software also comes with tools for making sure that patients stay with the practice.
  3. This includes sending communications relevant to them.It also analyzes trends, so you can do more of what works.
Take Patient Care to the Next Level
  1. It’s a fact that the average person doesn’t know the ins and outs of proper oral care. And that can leave patients feeling frustrated when something goes wrong, or they may even blame their dental care provider.
  2. But all that is set to change with practice management software.
  3. Deliver useful communications to patients with tips and tricks on how to make sure that they don’t have to come back for further care anytime soon.
  4. These communications can be tailored according to the specific patient, using advanced analytics provided by your management software.
Everything in One Place
  1. The problem with many software options is they only cover some of the bases.
  2. They don’t include everything that you need to do, so you need to invest in and manage multiple software options at once.
  3. A true dental practice management software suite will cover everything. Now you can manage every aspect of your practice from a single portal.
  4. That’s going to save you hours of your time and make you more effective at what you do.
Last Word – Improving Your Practice Like Never Before
  1. Your practice is set to be more efficient, less time-consuming, and more profitable.
  2. A simple investment in the most advanced dental practice management software on the market is guaranteed to boost your business.
  3. Send appointment reminders to boost your practice.
Have you tried using dental practice management software yet?

Content Source: Cebod Telecom

Monday, June 3, 2019

Why is it necessary for small businesses to use VOIP phone systems in their offices?

Running a business is a hustle. It is exciting and challenging at the same time. Each step is a new adventure that teaches us something. Also, at each turn, we learn something new and exciting. However, running a business also means to take decisions that impact the management, the team, and most importantly – the revenue.

In this article, we are going to discuss a simple yet impactful decision – choosing a phone system for your office. This, even though it feels insignificant, can play a major role in convenience, comfort, and finances of the company and team members. The two popular options are conventional phones and VOIP. While both are good choices, VOIP has multiple benefits over conventional analog phone systems. Read on to find out more about this.

What is VOIP?

VOIP or Voice Over Internet Protocol makes use of the Internet (broadband) to make calls. The sound turns into a digital voice, which then gets transferred through the Internet for final delivery.

Why must small businesses use VOIP?


Now, we shall look into the advantages of using business Internet phone system California.

  1. It is inexpensive: As a small business owner, you are surely looking at cutting costs. VOIP fits this criterion perfectly. It is much cheaper than conventional phones, especially for long distance calls.
  2. The call quality is excellent: If our above point about cost scared you, we totally understand. Cheaper solutions usually deliver cheaper results but VOIP is different. At a lesser cost, you will enjoy the same call quality as a conventional phone. In fact, it is usually not possible to tell the difference between the two! Isn’t that awesome?
  3. It is portable:A VOIP phone system works anywhere in the world. All you need is a broadband connection. If you are traveling and need to use the phone, thus, all you have to do is to use the Internet to login to your VOIP phone system. Everything else is easy! The cost and convenience also stay untouched.
  4. It is multi-functional: If you thought VOIP systems could only make phone calls, you are wrong. You can conduct video conferences as well regardless of where you are. Many business owners attend meetings and close important deals from the comforts of their location thanks to VOIP.
  5. It is secure:Along with the price, a major concern for small businesses is the security. Will you compromise on it by using VOIP? Absolutely not. VOIP is secure and efficient thanks to its standardized encryption protocols.

As you can see, the benefits of VOIP phone systems are many, making them an absolute necessity for small businesses. What are you waiting for then? Get a small business phone system in California immediately!

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Why Businesses Need VoIP Providers for Telecommunications in Offices

VOIP is becoming an even more popular form of communication. It’s now almost certain that business VoIP phone systems will take over from traditional phone systems as the communication system of choice.

But where the value of VoIP truly lies is in the benefits it provides for businesses in the office environment. These are the reasons why businesses should seriously consider installing VoIP in their offices.

The Savings Businesses Experience

VoIP costs a fraction of what a traditional phone line costs, since it functions digitally in an online environment.

Did you know that a traditional phone line with a modest long distance package could easily cost you on average of $60 per month?

Business VoIP phone system costs less than half that. Plus, you get much more for your money in the process.

Get Features You Wouldn’t Get with Traditional Phone Systems

Telecommunications has changed a lot over the last couple of decades. Businesses expect more than simply being able to communicate with another party.

Features like: call waiting, call prioritization, and call rerouting are just some of the feature’s businesses expect as standard.

You get those features with VoIP providers. Any good provider will allow you to easily add and remove different features based on your needs.

Professional Presentation

In 2018, it’s estimated that there are 41.6 billion business subscribers to VoIP services. And this is for good reason. It’s the one way you can always guarantee a professional face when speaking to your clients.

What separates VoIP from services like Skype is that as long as you have a strong Internet connection, you’ll get crystal-clear audio and video quality. This doesn’t drop and it doesn’t lose quality just because it’s raining outside.

The impression clients get of you, especially through telecommunications, can make or break a business deal. Science says your business has seven seconds to make a first impression, so don’t derail it with poor sound quality.

Take Business Calls Anywhere

We live in an age of convenience, where people always expect you to be available. These days clients are not going to call you back they’re going to call someone who will always answer the phone.

You need to always be available, and VoIP allows you to do that. Wherever you are, you can use the same number no matter the handset.

So even if you’re away at a business conference you can always stay in touch.

Last Word – It’s the Most Professional Way of Doing Business

The fact is that VoIP is the most professional way of doing business in 2019. With more competition than ever and more discerning clients than ever, you can’t afford to have problems with the way you communicate.

VoIP offers big cost savings, flexibility, scalability, and a variety of services that you can tailor to the needs of your business.

It doesn’t make sense to use anything else.

So, do you believe that a VoIP communications system can deliver big benefits to your business?

Content Source: Cebod Telecom

Thursday, May 9, 2019

6 Reasons Why VoIP Providers Lose Their Customers

Image Source: Cebod Telecom

The VoIP market is flooded with providers trying to offer their services. The problem is that there’s a lot of different providers that don’t offer a good quality service. And they tarnish the entire industry because of that.

So why are so many VoIP providers losing customers and what do reputable VoIP businesses like Cebod Telecom do to rectify these issues?

A Lack of Customer Service

Nobody likes to spend days trying to resolve a problem with their communications. When you rely on VoIP for your business you want a great service.

Every year, businesses lose $75 billion due to poor customer service. Cebod Telecom always makes itself available at every hour of the day or night. They work with customers, instead of redirecting them to a variety of departments.

It’s how they keep their customers on their side.

Poor Internet Connection Leading to Poor Voice Quality

You can have some sympathy with VoIP providers for this because they often lose customers simply because the customer doesn’t have the necessary connection speed to support VoIP. There’s nothing the provider can do about this.

But Cebod Telecom ensures that these problems are kept to a minimum by being transparent about the necessary connection speed before they take on a new customer.

Not Staying Updated on The Latest Technology

Technology changes. It’s easy to fall behind the curve when you’re already running a successful business. But as time goes on this decaying technology leads to a loss of quality regarding the VoIP service provided.

According to a report from American Express, complacency is the silent killer of businesses. It merely manifests itself in this way to the customer, but it’s really a company-wide problem.

Cebod Telecom consistently drives its staff members to do better. It regularly observes its competitors and the changing trends in the industry to guard against this.

The Product Didn’t Offer Value

We often think about value in relation to price. But there’s also the value of the product to take into account. If a VoIP providers offering didn’t offer value to the business, a lost customer is inevitable.

That’s why Cebod Telecom works to ensure that the product does offer value. They tailor their offerings to support business growth in the long-term. That’s how they keep their customers.

VoIP is about so much more than replacing the traditional telephone system.

Your Sales Techniques are Annoying

Do you know why the strong-armed sales tactics of the past worked? There was no other alternative. Today, that’s not the case.

If you’re still sending your customers strong-armed sales literature telling them to upgrade or to buy this product, you’re guaranteed to drive customers away.

Cebod Telecom uses value-based sales tactics. They focus on building relationships with every business they work with.

Conclusion: Fix These Mistakes to Avoid Losing Customers

Despite the fact the VoIP market is flooded with low-quality providers, the best providers truly rises to the top. Companies like Cebod Telecom have risen above their competition because they’re focused on providing a consistently quality product that offers value.

As a customer, what’s the most frustrating thing a VoIP provider can do?

Content Source: Cebod Telecom

Monday, April 29, 2019

Local business phone service providers in Orange County, CA

Voice over internet protocol (VoIP) is a phone service that helps businesses to aid their clients at best with mobile and flexible solutions and ensures businesses owners to do business at any time and anywhere.

business phone service orange county

VoIP phone service for business Orange County, California makes use of broadband internet to ensure you to use phone services. The use of VoIP phone services will relief you from paying excessive phone fees that they normally charge you as fix rate for usual phone services. With the advances in technology in this section, you will find many local business phone service providers in Orange County.

Standard VoIP phone service for business Orange County provides features from hosted VoIP services to cloud-based call center software to incorporate and join communications in the business. A wide range of phone systems is available for small businesses and large businesses as well. These phone services are very easy to use; contain wonderful and advanced features and have low cost as compared to traditional business phone systems and services providers. 

Despite its lot of benefits to the business and ease of use, you need to keep in mind the fact that all the local business phone service providers in Orange County are not exactly same when it comes to features and service provided. Therefore it is extremely important to figure out what exactly what you need for your business and when you are going to switch to VoIP service providers.

There is another advanced VoIP system known as virtual private branch exchange (PBX) that is a substitute for expensive and bulky equipment that was placed at a single location in old times. It is a good option to switch to modern VoIP services to unite your whole business with PBX in the cloud.

At first glance, it seems difficult to switch from your traditional and expensive PSTN phone system to VoIP phone service but it would be proved beneficial for your business and it will take just a couple of hours to get this cost-effective and efficient phone system. If you want VoIP phone service for your business then click here www.cebodtelecom.com. We provide efficient and affordable VoIP services.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Business VOIP phone service Orange County

The full form of VOIP is Voice over Internet Protocol and it is a kind of phone system service specially created to fulfill the communication requirements of businesses in Orange County, California. It makes use of current high-speed Internet connection to receive and direct calls and additionally offer businesses a wide range of specific features created to fulfill the requirements of each and every one.

business phone service orange county

Business VOIP phone service Orange County is not only for businesses but also exists for residential users. There is no noteworthy difference in VOIP phone systems of home and businesses but business phone service Orange County provides additional tools that are necessary for the businesses to flourish instead of focusing on features that are common in home plans.

As compared to traditional phone services, business VOIP phone service Orange County offers great flexibility to business owners. Those compare the efficiency of various VoIP providers with their existing phone service provider company will notify a large number of differences among features and prices provided by both services. 

It is obvious for someone who has been using traditional phone services for extensive periods of time, to be hesitant about switching from their current phone service provider to business VoIP service. You may be doubtful whether business phone service Orange County will provide the same call quality that you previously had.

But VoIP service provider today ensures that you will get crystal clear call quality, enhanced flexibility, and additional useful features. The VoIP service provider has taken over the world a decade ago and with the passage of time, the services and features significantly improve till now. The problems arise in the starting days of VoIP like the vague quality of call and reliability problems are now the things of the past due to development and progress in speed of internet connection and quality of equipment.

The use of business VOIP phone service Orange County, California for small sized businesses reports many benefits like excellent call quality, low rates, right to use to features formerly kept for large enterprises, enhanced way out for remote workers, ease to upgrade services for rising businesses and advanced employee productivity.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

What Kind of VoIP Complaints Are People Looking For?

 VoIP is as popular as ever before. With hundreds of millions of residential and commercial subscriptions around the world, it’s quickly replacing the traditional telephone system. Yet the fact is that US businesses are slow to migrate to VoIP.
One of the reasons could be because of poor service. VoIP providers do get complaints. And it’s often the poor VoIP providers that give the industry a bad name. Cebod Telecom is going to go through the main complaints VoIP providers typically receive and how they solve them.
Incoming Calls are Lost
 Are you suffering from incoming calls being dropped or going straight to voicemail? Then that’s usually because of your Internet connection.
VoIP relies on a strong, stable Internet connection. But the biggest reason for failure is because the VoIP provider isn’t clear about how fast your connection should be. Cebod Telecom is open and transparent about what you need to make sure your connection is fast enough.
Why is My Voice Echoing?
 This can be one of the most annoying parts about using VoIP. It throws off your train of thought and it leaves you wondering whether the person can hear you while you are speaking.
But this is usually due to a poor-quality handset. The acoustic feedback is what causes your voice to distort or to echo.
With Cebod Telecom, you get high-quality handsets that are specifically designed to avoid these things.
Jittery Voices
 Voice jitter is a particular problem with VoIP packages that use connectionless voice networks. Each part of your speech is sent in a separate ‘voice package’. If they arrive at the receiver in a different order, it can lead to scrambled audio.
The answer to this is a jitter buffer. It’s how all the top VoIP providers, like Cebod Telecom, ensure crystal clear voice quality at all times.
First impressions are crucial. They take only seven seconds to create, so voice jitter could cost you new business. Make sure that your VoIP provider uses a jitter buffer.
Why is My Call Quality Declining?
 A reason why you might be experiencing declining call quality is that your internal network is improperly configured. Cebod Telecom works with you to ensure that you setup your internal network correctly. You don’t want calls and data on the same network channel.
That leads to bad call quality and a slower connection. Cebod Telecom will help you make sure that you setup your VoIP platform correctly.
You’re Not Getting the Support You Need
 When something goes wrong you don’t want to have to wait for days to resolve the problem. A lack of customer service is the most common complaint aimed at VoIP providers.
Cebod Telecom understands that 90% of Americans consider customer service when choosing a business to work with. They provide 24-hour support and always aim to resolve the problem in as little time as possible.
Make Sure You Choose Your VoIP Provider Wisely
The most common VoIP problems can be avoided simply by working with the right VoIP provider. Do your research and make sure you’re working with a provider that has your best interests in mind.
Do you need a VoIP provider who works to support you?
Content Source: Cebod Telecom

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

7 Things to Consider Before Setting Up a Small Business VOIP Phone Service

Voice Over IP (VOIP) is the backbone of business communication today. The end of the analog phone line is finally here. Despite that, only 36% of American businesses are currently using VOIP phone service. The majority of these are larger businesses.

But small businesses are able to take advantage of VOIP phone systems. They have to if they want an affordable, streamlined business communication system.

So let’s take a look at the things a small business has to consider before setting up this system.

How Much is this Going to Cost?

The biggest consideration is cost. Like with anything new, it’s common for small business owners to believe that upgrading their communications systems like this is expensive.

But one study revealed that companies can save $35 per month by making the switch to VOIP. So by switching from an old style method of communication you can get a better service and save money.

The key to saving money is making sure that you’re choosing a voip phone service provider that offers you the service you need without compromising on quality.

We’re not going to offer recommendations here, but we do advise you to contact Cebod Telecom for a free quote and compare its pricing with other providers.

Why Your Internet Connection is so Important?

One of the biggest tech mistakes made by business is trying to set up a new VOIP phone system without checking their Internet connections.

The reason why this voip system is cheaper than traditional options is that it uses your Internet connection, rather than anything separate.

Without a strong, reliable Internet connection it’s pointless to install this system. If you need to switch Internet providers, now has never been a better time.

What Image Do You Want to Project?

VOIP business phone service is special because it can create a certain image for a business. It’s quite possible to project an image of a bigger company by simply personalizing your system in the right way.

For example, you can connect to a personal employee or reroute calls through a formal greeting and a transfer to the relevant ‘department’ using the VOIP Phone features.

It might sound silly to an outsider, but crafting an image is important for netting a certain type of client. Keep this in mind when setting up your new VOIP infrastructure.

Do You Have the Right Headsets?

Don’t just think about the infrastructure. Consider how your employees are going to use it. Most Voip phone service providers of these services will have a number of options regarding headsets. Go out of your way to look over the various options.

You can have desk phones, links to the conference room, handsfree headsets, and more. Remember that the industry standard is to answer at least 80% of calls within 30 seconds. Have the tools to support this target.

Think about the needs of your company and your employees. Ask them what they would prefer before making a decision.

Do Employees Have the Right Training?

In spite of the rise of this technology, small businesses can’t assume that their teams are going to know how to use it. Are you going to learn about the system first before teaching it to everyone else?

That’s likely not practical. You should make sure that your new provider has a suitable training program. Most reputable providers will offer a training session immediately after installation to show employees how to use it.

The Right Support

Additionally, you should have a point of contact should you have problems with your system or you need to ask any questions.

Will they reply in good time? If you have an urgent problem you shouldn’t have to resort to asking Google how to solve it. This wastes a lot of time and causes a lot of damage to your day to day business.

Sometimes you’ll have to pay extra for instant support. Compare different providers to find out more about this.  Cebod Telecom doesn’t charge extra for customer support.

Can You Use the Cloud?

It’s estimated that 49% of businesses have delayed cloud deployment because of various reasons. You shouldn’t do this because you’ll be missing out on one of the biggest benefits of using VOIP phone service for business in 2018.

The phones can be connected  to your existing internet service , and  you can also monitor and manage your new phone system on the fly.

You’ll gain access to an app on your smartphone or desktop, which can be used to manage all major functions wherever you happen to be. All you need is a working Internet connection.

Last Word – Plan Before You Execute

Arguably, the biggest mistake businesses make is they don’t have a proper plan for deploying new systems prior to execution. They solve problems as they come across them, which is inefficient and costly.

Don’t make that mistake and have a plan in place first.

Do you think that voip buisness phone service is ideal for your small business?

Content Source: Cebod Telecom

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Can I Use My Existing Phone Number if I switch to VoIP?

Most of the offices tend to use the same phone number for many years. As a result, this phone number often becomes the identity their business. This is why most of the companies are not willing to abandon their old phone numbers while switching to VoIP. Fortunately, it is possible to continue using the same existing phone number while switching over to a VoIP phone service.

The feature that allows users to retain their old phone number even after a change in service provider is called portability.

What is Portability?

The Federal Communications Commission, an independent body that regulates television, wires, radio, cable, and satellite communication in the US, requires all US-based VoIP service providers to offer number portability. Most of the VoIP service providers now offer this facility for free.

How much does it cost to port phone numbers to a VOIP phone service provider?

However, it is important to note certain things while porting a number from a traditional or VoIP service provider to another VoIP service . Though porting is always possible, some service providers may charge for porting the existing number. On the other hand, there are companies like Cebod Telecom that offer free porting facility to all their customers.

Business is moving to a new location, can we keep the same phone number?

Number porting is not possible for the traditional phone numbers when shifting to a new location because this will result in a change in the area code. With VOIP, you can move business from New York to Chicago and still keep existing phone number with New York area code.

About Cebod Telecom phone service

Cebod Telecom provide its customers with per-configured VOIP phones and once the phone numbers are  ported, phone service starts working without any additional configuration.  There is zero downtime when switching to them. In case of emergency, Cebod Telecom can also provide with temporary phone numbers until the porting process from the previous business phone service vendor is completed

Content Source: Cebod Telecom

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Tips to Help you Choose between Static and Dynamic IP

The term IP address refers to a series of numbers responsible for the internal communication between different devices.

Though many businesses do not pay much attention to IP addresses while designing their internet strategy. But there is no denying the fact that they can play an extremely important role in ensuring effective communication in any modern-day organization.

Based on your needs and preferences, selection of a dynamic or static IP address may significantly affect your business objectives and the type of technology that should be implemented to achieve those objectives.

IP Address Explained:

IP address or Internet Protocol (IP) address is defined as a unique number assigned to all devices that are connected to a given internet network. It is used for the identification of all devices across an internet network and helps them communicate.

In most of the cases, IP addresses comprise of four different number series with periods to break them up.

As mentioned earlier, dynamic and static are the two different types of IP addresses. A static IP address remains the same over a period of time. On the other hand, a dynamic IP address undergoes periodical changes. Both types have their own share of pros and cons and the correct choice for your business will be determined by your specific business requirements.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Static IP addresses:

  • An uncomplicated server hosting process: A static IP simplifies the process of hosting an organization’s email,  SMS, web, or FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
  • Remote access without any difficulty: The IP address is easily remembered and trusted by the Virtual Private Network (VPN), making it possible for all employees to work remotely without any complication.
  • Reliability of communication: Easy and high-quality communication using digital services such as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Phone service
  • Easy transfer of files: Quick transfer of data including large files, emails, faxes with high-speed upload and download facility
  • Security Issues: Additional measures of security are required to keep the network safe from the hackers which requires to work with the right VOIP phone service provider.
  • Additional Cost: Static IPs mean additional cost both in terms of the internet plan and hosting server
  • Complicated setup: Businesses using static IPs often require an Internet Service Provider or Business Phone Service Provider that offers the necessary support for manual configuration of devices.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Dynamic IP addresses:

  • Automatically configured: Maintenance requires less time and money because the devices are configured automatically.
  • No extra charges: No additional expenses over and above the internet plan
  • Unlimited connectivity to devices: Several devices can be used without the hassle of disconnection or manual configuration.
  • Higher Outage: The chances of getting thrown off the connection are considerably higher
  • Relatively Inaccurate Geolocation: Businesses that need accurate Geolocation should think twice because this feature, in general, is comparatively less accurate.
  • Remote Access Limitation: The remote access with dynamic IPs tends to be quite challenging with security issues.
 What is Right for You?

A Static IP can be beneficial for businesses that use of are planning to use VoIP phone service or any other type of digital services for voice based communication. It is also the more appropriate choice for those hosting websites or servers, or has employees working remotely.

The businesses that don’t fall under any of the categories mentioned above may use a dynamic IP address without any difficulty. Regardless of what is the correct choice for your business, please contact us  at  Cebod Telecom for the support and service that can take your business to the next level.

Content Source: Cebod Telecom